Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Polish pottery still life. Art contest entry

Now that 30 in 30 painting contest is over. I took a bit of a painting break.  Can't break too long because I have paintings I want to do and it's hard to sometimes get back my momentum, but I really loved churning out those paintings.

In the mean time I'm entering a painting into "The People Art Contest"  Blog HERE

My entry is number 65 in my Polish Pottery Still life series.  I painted this last summer, 2013 during the Black Forest fire and had to leave the painting midway to evacuate our house. We were lucky to be spared in the fire.  Sure hoping for a better summer, 2014.

Theme this month in the People's Art Contest  is Eggs

My entry:

Patterns: Polish Pottery LXV
Prints available on Etsy HERE