Tuesday, December 21, 2010

December Nibblefest theme "Wings"

Oh boy.. I'm not blogging as much as I should be.  I have some other projects in the works to add to my Etsy store.

December Nibblefest is up now..  As always the contest runs from the 20-27th with all entries ending on the 27th.  I absolutely love entering this contest.   You paint according to a theme and you have to start your item at 99cents with no reserve and the winners are the ones with the most unique (different) bids.    Well no secret I have chickens.. I love having chickens, love getting their beautiful eggs and I do love having a rooster too to hear his morning crow .. Ok. he crows all day long! ;D

So with a theme of "Wings" of course I had to paint my rooster named "Terry" ..  As a chick his name was Terri since he was supposed to be a she.. well the day he started crowing he was Terry with a "Y"..  So here he is..  I painted this from a photo I took one snowy morning.  I went in the run with the chickens and snapped a bunch of great photos of them.  They are fun to photo and watch.    Really a joy having them.

Click on the photo to go to the auction ending December 27th (around 8pm pacific time)

"Terry the Rooster"
*sides painted black*
*Ready to hang!*